
Although the design of Tully Castle owes much to Hume’s native Scotland, his use of local labour meant Irish masonry techniques were used.  

A 1622 Crown Survey of Tully reported: “a bawn of stone and lime with four flankers… and a strong castle three storeys high covered with thatch wherein dwelleth Sir John Hume, his agent and his families”.

The remains of a spiral stair can be seen in a projecting quarter-round turret.  Both rooms on the first floor had a fireplace and there was more living space up under the thatch, and access to the turrets.

Historically Tully Castle is a “time capsule” as it was lived in for only 30 years.  For over 350 years it lay ruined and desolate until 1974 when a programme of restoration and consolidation was undertaken to the castle, gardens and footpaths.